hi everyone 
I had to restore my computer to factory settings about 2 weeks ago.
I had downloaded sp1 to disc and installed it onto my computer, everything
was looking good.
Then another problem occured and i was told to restore my computer again
back to factory.
Ive done that but now when i try to install sp1 from that disc i keep
getting the same error being "could not verify the integrity of the file
update.inf. Make sure cryptographic service is running.
I went to msconfig and cryptograhic services said it was running.
i have no idea what so ever what the hell that error means AT ALL.
but without a sp on my computer i can not install office 2003 or norton!! So
basically my computer is totally useless in every way.
does anyone have any suggestions pwwwwwwwwwwwwease.
i have ordered sp 2 on disc but i was thinking if i cant load sp1 then maybe
when i do get these discs the same problem may occur.
thanking you heaps in advance!

I had to restore my computer to factory settings about 2 weeks ago.
I had downloaded sp1 to disc and installed it onto my computer, everything
was looking good.
Then another problem occured and i was told to restore my computer again
back to factory.
Ive done that but now when i try to install sp1 from that disc i keep
getting the same error being "could not verify the integrity of the file
update.inf. Make sure cryptographic service is running.
I went to msconfig and cryptograhic services said it was running.
i have no idea what so ever what the hell that error means AT ALL.
but without a sp on my computer i can not install office 2003 or norton!! So
basically my computer is totally useless in every way.
does anyone have any suggestions pwwwwwwwwwwwwease.
i have ordered sp 2 on disc but i was thinking if i cant load sp1 then maybe
when i do get these discs the same problem may occur.
thanking you heaps in advance!