Service Pack 4 incompatible with GEFORCE2 drivers!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew McQueen
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Andrew McQueen

Recently I installed Win2000 Service Pack 4 on my machine
hoping it would fix some issues I have been having with my
PC, only to find that it is totally incompatible with the
drivers of one of the most common graphics chips out
there, the NVIDIA GEFORCE2!!

As soon as I installed the Service Pack and rebooted I got
a stop error on starting windows - trouble loading
nv4_mini.sys. I guessed that this was related to my
graphics drivers so ran in safe mode and uninstalled the
graphics drivers and when I reboot, what do you know, it
works fine!! Well, thats all well and good, but what if I
actually WANT to use those graphics drivers! I tried many
different things to get it to work, but then gave up and
just uninstalled the ()@$#% stupid fix pack.

Is it something I'm doing wrong? How could microsoft make
such a huge oversight as to be incompatible with a major
graphics manufacturer?!!!

Please explain
Thanks in Advance
Might I suggest you try using one of the many other Nvidia drivers that
have been released. Some releases have been more problematic than
others. Stop by the Nvidia site and grab a newer version. Now on the
otherhand if you insist on using THAT particular release then you will
have to forego SP4.