Kris said:
I run McAfee virus scan and I have no viruses. Is this what you mean
by clean computer?
I just answered this in the other post about the same subject. Next
time, please keep to one thread. This time, see if this is applicable
to you:
Dell Inspiron 1150 and 2650 Slowdown - Machines with Celeron processors
may slow down dramatically after SP2. An apparent fix, posted by
someone at a Dell forum, was to roll back the processor driver.
From the Control Panel System applet, select Hardware and then Device
Manager. Open the processor section and double-click on the processor.
Then click on the driver tab, and "roll back driver". Follow the
What happened is that SP2 installed a new driver called intelppm.sys
that seems to have a problem. This process restored a driver called
processr.sys that was previously installed. This seems to only affect
those laptops with Celeron processors.