Service Pack 2 Removal Problem



I removed the service pack 2 as described in the support pages as i needed to
run an engineering program that doesn't run with SP2. I removed it through
the add/remove function in control panel and followed the prompts.
When the computer restarted it got to the normal windows loading page (with
the green status bar) and then the computer hangs on this screen and does not
boot any further, i tried again through safe mode but this just hangs. Is
there anyway i can recover this? I have installed my copy of windows on an
old HDD to access the internet and this site. My computer is running a SATA
HDD which is the one not booting, and cannot use the recover console because
of this (it is drive letter g, and hence not accessable in DOS.

Please help!


Before any Operating SYstem is able to access the SATA drive the correct
driver files are required.

When you attempt to perform a Recovery, the files are not available.

If you attempt to perform a Repair installaion, you must press F6 when
prompted and insert the floppy disk with correct RAID driver files.


Thanks guys
I have installed the driver files again for the SATA drive using the F6 in
the setup screen.
I tried using the recover console but when booted the computer still hangs
on the windows XP screen.
I am tempted to re-install the windows files over the top using my windows
xp disc, but it states i may lose my 'my documents' folder. Will i lose all
the data in this folder as i have a large amount of work that i do not wish
to lose.

Thanks again


Lee, when doing a Repair Installation you don't select the first Repair
option. Allow it to go further until it finds your installed XP. You can
then select the Repair option for the XP shown.

If it does not show any XP installed it could be from not hitting the F6 key
at the first part . You will need the drivers for the sata on a floppy disk
like Bar had posted.


I installed the needed SATA RAID controllers, repaired windows XP (as
described) and i it still only boots upto the Windows XP scren and hangs,
even left for 1/2 hour.
I am unable to access my documents on the SATA HDD through a boot from an
IDE HDD so i cannot access them to back them up. It simply says access
denied. Is there anyway i can access these files and do a new instal of XP?
Or anyway i can install service pack 2 at the same time as repairing XP? My
machine worked fine upto uninstalling SP2.

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