Service pack 2 problems



I have just installed SP2 via the windows update website & installed it.
After instal i had a message to say the instal was successfull and that my my
computer must be restarted .. did that and now it just hangs on the Windows
XP startup screen. Have tried rebooting to safe mode, normal mode etc etc but
nothing works. Has anybody else had this problem?. How do i fix it....


some re-boot/hang problems are described here:

you can try booting in safe mode, and fix using these (i am no expert and
not sure)
Description of the Disk Cleanup Tool in Windows XP;en-us;310312&Product=winxp

How to Perform Disk Error Checking in Windows XP;en-us;315265&Product=winxp

HOW TO: Analyze and Defragment a Disk in Windows XP;en-us;305781&Product=winxp

How to troubleshoot by using the System Configuration utility in Windows XP

How to perform a clean boot in Windows XP


Thanks for the reply, but it didnt really answer my problems. The computer
wont boot into safe mode .. or any mode for that matter, so i need a way to
get started so i can at least un-instal SP2. At the moment i cant do
anything. Would a repair/instal do the job


Incase you decide for un installing, you might want to read following
recommendations from another user:

1: Made sure I had all the latest drivers for my peripherals
2: Made sure I had all available updates for my software
3: Did a thorough disk cleanup
4: Did a thorough virus scan
5: Did a thorough adware scan with Ad Aware and Spybot
6: Imaged my hard drive using Powerquest Drive Image
7: Installed SP2 - stand alone network install.
8: Did a complete defrag of my system partition



Yes, I am having the same problem and I am spending a large amount of time
having to install my most used programs on another hard drive with a copy of
Windows XP, before SP2. I have noted that trying to boot into 'Save Mode'
that the drivers halt after agp440.sys (check the driver list). I am working
to find the driver or service that is causing the problem.

Every solution the Microsoft Techs suggest have to deal with a system that
is able to boot. I'd love to be able to uninstall SP2. I usually never
download and install Service Pack Immediately! I should stay with my

I will tell you what I find, but the list of drivers and services-- using
the recovery console is long.



I have just done a full repair from the XP Cd back to SP1a and managed NOT to
lose any of my data.. yay I would still like to do the upgrade to SP2 but i
think i will wait for the next release of the update .. maybe SP2.1. Its
lucky that i have no hair or i would have pulled it all out by now. With a
bit of research i discovered that SP2 may not be compatible with the BIOS on
my MOBO. Have just flashed new BIOS from the manifacturers website, so maybe
it might work now, who knows

Dick Kistler

Bluewater said:
I have just done a full repair from the XP Cd back to SP1a and managed NOT
lose any of my data.. yay I would still like to do the upgrade to SP2 but
think i will wait for the next release of the update .. maybe SP2.1. Its
lucky that i have no hair or i would have pulled it all out by now. With a
bit of research i discovered that SP2 may not be compatible with the BIOS
my MOBO. Have just flashed new BIOS from the manifacturers website, so
it might work now, who knows
Whenever you try to install SP2 again, do it this way:

Before you try to install SP2 again, make sure you don't have this problem.

Dick Kistler

Dick Kistler

Bluewater said:
Moral of the story is.. if it aint broke, dont fix it ....

I have heard that useless phrase many times this week. The reason SP2 exists
is because XP SP1a was percieved to be "broke". And the reasons that apps
don't work under SP2 is that they are "broke." And it is highly likely that
your install of XP was "broke" when you installed SP2, and you didn't know
it. And maybe your BIOS was "broke." Just because you sat there dumb and
happy did not mean that things weren't "broke."

Did you do the things in: or before you tried to install. Did
you check out whether you had the Prescott processor Did you download any new drivers, did
you download any new program updates, did you back up your data, etc,

Also remember some people die when they take immunizations. But they still
took them even though nothing was "broke."

The moral of this story is that when you upgrade an operating system, you
break a few eggs. Sad but true, Get over it. Do a better job the next time.
This OS upgrade is relatively painless for most people, and Microsoft did
its homework as well as possibly be expected. And better than almost any OS
upgrade I have been involved in(beginning 1966).

Dick Kistler

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