Service Pack 2 Outlook Express problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Wheatley
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Michael Wheatley

Hi, has anyone else had this problem. After installing SP2, I cannot send
email from Outlook Express, I receive email okay, I have enabled Outlook
Express in the firewall but I just don't know what else I can do.
I would be grateful for any help or suggestions.

John W.
Michael Wheatley said:
Hi, has anyone else had this problem. After installing SP2, I cannot send
email from Outlook Express, I receive email okay, I have enabled Outlook
Express in the firewall but I just don't know what else I can do.

If you do not get further help from here, post this to
John try this: In Outlook Express, open the pull-down menu at the right
side of "Send and Receive" on your toolbar and select "Send and Receive All"
Am having the same proplem as Michael ...Jack. before thr updat, everything
was working without a problem...almost. computer is a year ana week old
with no email problems. Then, 2 months ago, right before this alleged great
update SP2, my problems started. Microsoft said update, it will fix it.
Update was installed & email worked...for a about 3 weeks. Now I can't send
emails. Sometimes maybe 2-3, then I can't send anything. The 'send & receive'
used to work to send the that doesn't either. There is nothing
wrong with the comp...Norton Anti-Virus protection is operable, Zone Alarm
Pro, Spyblaster, Spykiller, Spybot, Ad/ keep the viruses &
adaware/spyware away....everything is set just like it was when everything
worked. So this has got to be a Microsoft problem. So says my Server also.
And see alot of us have same problem. Sure would be great for them to fix
this. 50 frn's a month for DSL ain't cheap... Most of us don't have the bank
account of Bill Gates either.
"Then, 2 months ago, right before this alleged great |update
SP2, my problems started. " and
"So this has got to be a Microsoft problem." Really?

Computers don't change themselves, they work or they don't.
Either you or your ISP could have the problem. ISPs are
loathe to admit that THEY would have a server problem, a
telephone call to CSR will get a "no problem on our end"
even though you can walk outside and see two of their trucks
fixing the cable, or they fix their server and it all works.

If your computer worked for 3 weeks after SP2, you did
something, you got infected, your hardware wore out, your
phone line was damaged by a storm, but it is easier to blame
Microsoft. Hell, why not blame George Bush, after all he is
President so why not go all the way to the top.

What error messages do you get, is your password rejected?
Remember that your ISP has a series of servers that handle
usernames, passwords, DNS, network trunk line connections
and such and all must work for your email to be sent. And
the other, sending ISP must work at his end. BTW, most
servers run software other than MS.

"XP'd emachine" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| Am having the same proplem as Michael ...Jack. before thr
updat, everything
| was working without a problem...almost. computer is a year
ana week old
| with no email problems. Then, 2 months ago, right before
this alleged great
| update SP2, my problems started. Microsoft said update, it
will fix it.
| Update was installed & email worked...for a about 3 weeks.
Now I can't send
| emails. Sometimes maybe 2-3, then I can't send anything.
The 'send & receive'
| used to work to send the that doesn't either.
There is nothing
| wrong with the comp...Norton Anti-Virus protection is
operable, Zone Alarm
| Pro, Spyblaster, Spykiller, Spybot, Ad/ keep
the viruses &
| adaware/spyware away....everything is set just like it was
when everything
| worked. So this has got to be a Microsoft problem. So says
my Server also.
| And see alot of us have same problem. Sure would be great
for them to fix
| this. 50 frn's a month for DSL ain't cheap... Most of us
don't have the bank
| account of Bill Gates either.
| "Jack Nation" wrote:
| > John try this: In Outlook Express, open the pull-down
menu at the right
| > side of "Send and Receive" on your toolbar and select
"Send and Receive All"
| > --
| > Sincerely,
| > Jack Nation
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > Hi, has anyone else had this problem. After installing
SP2, I cannot send
| > > email from Outlook Express, I receive email okay, I
have enabled Outlook
| > > Express in the firewall but I just don't know what
else I can do.
| > > I would be grateful for any help or suggestions.
| > >
| > > John W.
| > >
| > >
| >
| >
| >