Service Pack 2 - Download or Wait?


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

SP-2 has not changed since it was released a few months ago.
SP-2 will be the same in a year.
Most of those having problems have pre-existing problems on their computer.
All pre-existing problems, known or unknown, should be resolved before
installing any update especially a Service Pack.

Help make sure your computer is ready for SP-2:

George Hester

I don't think he was asking about the "Download" but the download; ie the Service Pack "should I install it?"
How would the Windows Update experts have anything germane to say about that?

Probably a good idea if you don't want to be fixing IE until the cows come home.

Thorsten Matzner

I have yet to download this because I heard there were problems with it causing
some software not to work correctly. What's the latest news?

No problems with the SP2 here.


As the other posters have indicated, SP2 hasn't changed. On the other hand, most
of the problems you probably heard about were caused by application software (e.g.,
Norton Antivirus) that wasn't "SP2-ready." At this point, most commercial software
has been upgraded and/or patched (or fixes are available from the manufacturer) to
work with SP2. Check with the makers of your application software to ensure that
the versions you have are SP2-compatible.

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