Service Pack 2 and Rebooting Problems



I am in need of genuine help. I recently installed SP2 on my Sony VAIO PC
and am not able to sucessfully boot. The computer seems to be stuck in a
continuous cycle of rebooting to the Windows XP Home Ed. screen but never
getting to the desktop. Yesterday I was finally able to boot using Last
Known Good Configuration since it would not let me boot in Safe Mode. I
received an error Window stating that Winlogon.exe experienced a problem and
needed to close. I ignored that and proceeded to remove SP2 since I
suspected SP2 was causing the booting problems. After removing SP2, I have
been unable to boot and none of the boot options when pressing F8 work.
Unfortunately, my XP came bundled in Sony's system recovery disks (no
separate XP disk for reinstall), so I am stuck. Can anyone help?

Terra Prime

EinMex said:
I am in need of genuine help. I recently installed SP2 on my Sony
VAIO PC and am not able to sucessfully boot. The computer seems to
be stuck in a continuous cycle of rebooting to the Windows XP Home
Ed. screen but never getting to the desktop. Yesterday I was finally
able to boot using Last Known Good Configuration since it would not
let me boot in Safe Mode. I received an error Window stating that
Winlogon.exe experienced a problem and needed to close. I ignored
that and proceeded to remove SP2 since I suspected SP2 was causing
the booting problems. After removing SP2, I have been unable to boot
and none of the boot options when pressing F8 work. Unfortunately, my
XP came bundled in Sony's system recovery disks (no separate XP disk
for reinstall), so I am stuck. Can anyone help?

You are indeed stuck.... unless anyone else knows how to pull you out of
this one... the only way you are going to get yourself out is to wipe the
hard drive and start over..... if there is anything you need on the hard
drive, take it to a friends house and connect it to his/her computer, move
over all of the data you want to keep, put your hard drive back into your
tower, reinstall xp with the system recovery disks, remove your drive again
and copy your backed up data back to it from your friends computer.

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