Service pack #2 and Display control panel PROBLEMS!



I have been trying for some time to download and install the windows-xp
service pack 2 but it will not allow me to download let alone install, all it
says is "failed" and the below error code. I have tried switching off all
known security software of every sort but still no joy. I get the folowing
error message: Error Code: 0x8007F0CC .

Also, although not vitally important but a problem none the less is that I
cannot change my desktop background: The control panel "display" window is
frozen in every way so I cannot use it to alter the background, and the same
applies to any program - styleXP etc - that usually allows background change,
NONE including most worryingly the control panel are useless. PLS help!

PLEASE offer any help or advice.

Thanks in advance...



UnholySpirit said:
I have been trying for some time to download and install the
windows-xp service pack 2 but it will not allow me to download let
alone install, all it says is "failed" and the below error code. I
have tried switching off all known security software of every sort but
still no joy. I get the folowing error message: Error Code: 0x8007F0CC

Also, although not vitally important but a problem none the less is
that I cannot change my desktop background: The control panel
"display" window is frozen in every way so I cannot use it to alter
the background, and the same applies to any program - styleXP etc -
that usually allows background change, NONE including most worryingly
the control panel are useless. PLS help!

Those are symptoms of virus and/or malware infection, which would also
explain why your installation of SP2 fails. You must install SP2 on a
virus/malware-free computer after properly preparing for the upgrade.

To make sure your computer is clean, start by running David Lipman's
tool here:

David's Instructions:
Execute SmitFraud.exe (Note: You must accept the default of C:\McAfee)
Choose Unzip
Choose Close

NOTE: You may have to disable your software firewall or allow WGET.EXE
to go through your firewall to enable WGET.EXE to download the needed
McAfee-related files.

Execute c:\mcafee\clean.bat (or Double-click on 'Clean Link' in c

A final report in HTML format called C:\mcafee\ScanReport.HTML will be
generated. At the end of the scan, it will be displayed in your browser
(Opera, FireFox or Internet Explorer). It is suggested that you move
the report out of c:\mcafee before performing another scan.

Follow up with a scan in Safe Mode with a full-featured antivirus using
updated definitions. If you don't have one, then first scan with either
Sysclean or David Lipman's Multi-AV: - how to use Dave Lipman's Multi-AV - Multi-AV download

Then get and install the full-featured av, update it, and do the
thorough scan in Safe Mode.

Continue your housecleaning by following these steps:

Once you are sure the computer is clean, see these sites to prepare for

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2? -

Follow the Service Pack Installation Checklist -

SP2 links to OEMs - - Windows SP2 Information,
Guidelines and Troubleshooting



UnholySpirit said:
I have been trying for some time to download and install the windows-xp
service pack 2 but it will not allow me to download let alone install, all it
says is "failed" and the below error code. I have tried switching off all
known security software of every sort but still no joy. I get the folowing
error message: Error Code: 0x8007F0CC .

Also, although not vitally important but a problem none the less is that I
cannot change my desktop background: The control panel "display" window is
frozen in every way so I cannot use it to alter the background, and the same
applies to any program - styleXP etc - that usually allows background change,
NONE including most worryingly the control panel are useless. PLS help!

PLEASE offer any help or advice.

Thanks in advance...


SP2 won't install properly if there are problems with the system. #1
problem is malware which could be your problem. In any event fix the
underlying issues first. Here are some links for info on applying SP2.
Besides trying the install through windows update the full
installation version is available for download or order it on CD.

Download Windows Service Pack 2 Standalone Version

Order Windows XP Service Pack 2 on CD

Note if you want the recovery console installed on the drive, then
install it before applying SP2. It can be done after but it's much
easier to have it installed before applying SP2.

Installing Service Packs

Pre-Install, Install, Cleaning Up Afterwards

What to Know Before You Download and Install Windows XP Service Pack 2

Get the Latest Updates and Information from Your PC Manufacturer Before
Installing Windows XP Service Pack 2

The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2

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