Peter Nofelt
On Server.Transfer(), is there a reason why the previous page's
elements would appear on the new page? Note: this transfer is occuring
between two pages on the same server.
I'm using Page.Context.Items and Server.Transfer to communicate
between two pages (lets call them page1.aspx and page2.aspx). On
postback to page1.aspx I preform a Server.Transfer() to page2.aspx.
The transfer occurs, but page2.aspx renders incorrectly. The beginning
page elements (header, start of body) from page1.aspx appear in
Currently I have found little online that discusses this issue. Any
help would be appreciated.
elements would appear on the new page? Note: this transfer is occuring
between two pages on the same server.
I'm using Page.Context.Items and Server.Transfer to communicate
between two pages (lets call them page1.aspx and page2.aspx). On
postback to page1.aspx I preform a Server.Transfer() to page2.aspx.
The transfer occurs, but page2.aspx renders incorrectly. The beginning
page elements (header, start of body) from page1.aspx appear in
Currently I have found little online that discusses this issue. Any
help would be appreciated.