Server Software

Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
MS have kindly sent me a Windows Server System Evaluation Kit with the following on: SQL Sever 2000 Enterprise Ed, Live Communications Server 2003, Windows Server for UNIX, Commerece Server 2002 Enterprise Ed, Systems Management Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Ed, Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise & Standard Ed, Content Management Server 2002 Enterprise Ed. Which one do i choose:confused: Most are 180 or 120 day evaluation software, cheers in advance:thumb: :D
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feckit said:
MS have kindly sent me a Windows Server System Evaluation Kit with the following on: SQL Sever 2000 Enterprise Ed, Live Communications Server 2003, Windows Server for UNIX, Commerece Server 2002 Enterprise Ed, Systems Management Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Ed, Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise & Standard Ed, Content Management Server 2002 Enterprise Ed. Which one do i choose:confused: Most are 180 or 120 day evaluation software, cheers in advance:thumb: :D
Depends on how big the Beer Jug is you have to stand on them.

Some of those bits of software are operating systems, some are bits of server software (i.e. databases etc...).

What did you want to do with them, or was it just to have a tinker and see what they do? :)
what it's all about

See what they do, how they differ to XP and really just have a general play with them. Some i have never seen or heard about before, but feel i need to know more.