server side kepress event on textbox



HI There,

I have a webform and I am wanting to call a function from a textbox control
located on the webform when a key is pressed. Can this be done in server side.
already know do like this

on ASPX page within javascript tags
<script laguage=javascript>
function trapKeypress() {
alert (window.event.keyCode);

and in .vb page of the .aspx page ..'
textbox1.attributes.item("onkeypress") = "javascript:trapKeypress();"

Can I do it without using JavaScript .


Eliyahu Goldin

You can submit the form in trapKeypress(). This will cause a postback and
you can pass to the server a sort of info telling what exactly caused the
postback. This will resemble a server event. You can't avoid using
javascript on the client side. How can server know what is happening in the


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