Server needs password to synch

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I have a Microsoft Windows Server 2000 (5.00.2195) Service Pack 4 with 1.5
Gigabyte RAM in a workgroup called: “Workgroupâ€. It runs a SQL Server package
with allows reports from our UNIX server to be run. The authors of the
package say the SQL Server cannot be moved into our Domain. They also do not
want us to create a domain and they want us to leave the SQL Server in the
workgroup. I have researched a “two-way Realm Trustâ€but this does not seem to
be a viable solution. I need it’s passwords to synch with our Windows Server
2003 Domain passwords.
Any ideas?
Brian said:
I have a Microsoft Windows Server 2000 (5.00.2195) Service Pack 4
with 1.5 Gigabyte RAM in a workgroup called: "Workgroup". It runs a
SQL Server package with allows reports from our UNIX server to be
run. The authors of the package say the SQL Server cannot be moved
into our Domain. They also do not want us to create a domain and they
want us to leave the SQL Server in the workgroup. I have researched a
"two-way Realm Trust"but this does not seem to be a viable solution.
I need it's passwords to synch with our Windows Server 2003 Domain

I don't think there is a way to do this without making it a member of the
domain. I don't think there is any way to create a trust between a domain
and a workgroup member.
But, I'm really not well versed in creating non-supported trusts.

Best regards,
Kevin D. Goodknecht Sr. [MVP]
Hope This Helps
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Thank you Kevin, This appears to be the consensus in all sources I have tried.
My Best!
Brian Buchholz said:
Thank you Kevin, This appears to be the consensus in all sources I have
My Best!

Even if you could create a "two way realm trust" that would
be essentially the same as adding it to the domain. (It's all
just forms of trust.)

Simple idea: (And maybe irrelevant since I missed the start of thread)

Can't the SQL Server be given an account in your domain and authenticate

If not, then trusts of some form are you only option and they are
being overly restrictive since they do wish access to shared
resources which required EITHER domain authentication OR
trusted domain authentication.