Server Move - Sunday 7th April

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Feb 23, 2002
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It's time for an upgrade of the PCR server (mainly so that we can keep up to date with the software running the forums), so at some point in the coming days I'm going to move everything to a new server :).

I'm hoping to do this on Sunday 7th April while it's quiet and it may take an hour or two of the site being in read-only mode.

As soon as I know more, I'll post back here - I'm doing some test runs first just to make sure that everything goes smoothly :thumb:.
Good luck and we shall see if its faster. :)
With you in the saddle all will go well, good luck for the move. :thumb:
Just adding more good wishes ... With so many good vibes from PCR regulars hitting you, your project cannot fail to go smoothly. Best of luck. :thumb:
Sorry if it's a dumb question, Ian but:
Do you not have the server managed for you off site or do you have it living with you & Becky?:o
PCReview is on a server in the US, Ian & Becky live in the UK ... so no, it may sound like their baby, but it's not a real one.

Time enough for the sounds of tiny feet, sweaty nappies & sleepless nights ... what, what WHAT!

Thanks folks :)

Yep, as Mucks said the server is based in the USA and I can just log in to it and sort things out from here :). It's currently in Texas, but it's going to be in Washington DC after the move (although same hosting company), so it should be a touch faster :D.
Never knew it was on a server in the USA.:o
So a move from the Lone Star State to the heart of DC.:thumb:
Just out of interest, lets see if there is a difference. :)


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=124ms TTL=110
Reply from bytes=32 time=124ms TTL=110
Reply from bytes=32 time=125ms TTL=110
Reply from bytes=32 time=124ms TTL=110

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 124ms, Maximum = 125ms, Average = 124ms

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  3     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  4     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
  5    51 ms    74 ms    51 ms []
  6    29 ms     8 ms     8 ms []
  7    88 ms    88 ms    87 ms []
  8   111 ms   119 ms   119 ms []
  9   117 ms   119 ms   119 ms []
 10     *        *      115 ms []
 11   102 ms   102 ms   102 ms []
 12   102 ms   102 ms   102 ms []
 13   124 ms   124 ms   124 ms []
 14   124 ms   124 ms   124 ms []
 15   125 ms   128 ms   124 ms []
 16   124 ms   124 ms   124 ms []

Trace complete.

Looks like i hit DC at hop 8, will be interesting (Read geeky) to see if i notice a difference.
Good plan V_R :thumb:

I'm hoping to shave ~30ms off the time from the UK - a ping of sub 100ms if we're lucky.

There's some big improvements as to how the server works too, so even though the ping will make a little difference, the page serving should also be more responsive... if all goes to plan :).
PCReview is on a server in the US, Ian & Becky live in the UK ... so no, it may sound like their baby, but it's not a real one.

Time enough for the sounds of tiny feet, sweaty nappies & sleepless nights ... what, what WHAT!


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Here is what it looks like from the other side of the pond if it matters to anyone.

I'm hoping to start the move at around 1/2PM - I'm just getting things prepared at the moment :). I'll post more before the move starts as well as a notice on each page, as the site will be out of use for a little while.
I'm going to start the move in 5 mins, as there's no-one online and posting at the moment so I'll take this chance while it's quiet :).
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