This looks for me so much to Net code. However you got me with that C what
do you think this code is?
Private Function LoadSQLServerList() As Integer
Dim serverIndex As Integer
Dim sqlServers As SQLDMO.NameList
Dim sqlServer As Object
' Get a list of servers
sqlServers = New SQLDMO.Application().ListAvailableSQLServers()
' Iterate through the server names, and add it to the combobox
For Each sqlServer In sqlServers
If Not sqlServer Is Nothing Then
End If
' Send back the count of servers
LoadSQLServerList = cboServers.Items.Count
'table list in a ser
Dim sqlServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Dim sqlDB As Object
sqlServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer()
' Connect to your database with userID and password
sqlServer.Connect(cboServers.Text, txtUserID.Text,txtPassword.Text)
' Check for database names in the server
' This loop adds the database name to another combobox
For Each sqlDB In sqlServer.Databases
If Not sqlDB.Name Is Nothing Then
End If
Catch Exp As Exception
End Try