Server Flakey


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
The server has just had to do 2 service restarts in the last 30 mins, so I'm looking in to why this happened. It has been well behaved for a while now, so I'm sure it's just a co-incidence - however I will take a look :thumb:

It was only down for about 20 seconds each time, but I just thought I'd post a heads up in case anyone tried to post :)
it just took me a while to get on here, has been slow the last few days
I notice one thing Ian when I move the mouse cursor the page I am on moves willy-nilly especialy when on word? replying to this it is doing it, may help you pin point the problem;)
TBH i have had problems with the page refreshing and posting issues for over a week now. I htought it would get back to normal eventually so didnt mention it mate
... and I thought it was Ian messin around

ah, see what a cable break can do for you ... heavy traffic till they fix it.

... or it could be the server wanting a coffee break. ;)
Yeah I can confirm that I have been getting slow page load times and sometimes the site wouldn't load at all...

I just went for a coffee and came back later and in most cases it loaded up again slow but it loaded, Didn't mention it to you as thought it would sort itself in the end..
Thanks for the info guys :) Was it just the main page that was loading really slow, or was it all of them?

I'm working on the problem today :D
I found it was mainly the opening page being slow to open, and also sometimes when using the 'Todays Posts' and 'New Forum Posts' options.
The whole site was erratic ... :(

However, today, at this moment in time, it is the fastest its ever been. :thumb:

OK, I've just made a change to the PHP cache that is used on the server and I'll see if I can cache the front page to make that work faster :)
A new update :) I've made the frontpage cache almost everything that appears on it - 1 minute to check for updates to the main news, quick news and latest threads - 5 mins for latest articles. I've never used this sort of caching before and the learning and code was done between this post and the last... so it's just a test for now, as I don't know if it will work well.

If it makes a difference for the main page only (that's the only place with it installed), then I'll tweak and expand it :thumb: