Hi, community! This is my first post on this forum. Excuse my english
if it's not very correct
After searching for a while, and having found nothing about this
subject, i ask you: Does the "Server Explorer" in Visual Studio .NET
2003 accept connections to DBMSs other than SQL Server / MSDE /
Jet(Access)? I mean, only Microsoft databases are recognized and/or
I've tried to create a Firebird connection in order to "navigate" my
Firebird tables and fields. You know, in order to do all these pretty
things that you can do: drag-and-drop tables into the VS form
workspace, etc. But i can't manage to do it. Of course I have
installed the Firebird .NET Data Provider but i still can't get to
it. :?
Any help? Thanks in advance.
if it's not very correct

After searching for a while, and having found nothing about this
subject, i ask you: Does the "Server Explorer" in Visual Studio .NET
2003 accept connections to DBMSs other than SQL Server / MSDE /
Jet(Access)? I mean, only Microsoft databases are recognized and/or
I've tried to create a Firebird connection in order to "navigate" my
Firebird tables and fields. You know, in order to do all these pretty
things that you can do: drag-and-drop tables into the VS form
workspace, etc. But i can't manage to do it. Of course I have
installed the Firebird .NET Data Provider but i still can't get to
it. :?
Any help? Thanks in advance.