Windows XP server-error photo-gallery Frontpage?

Jun 4, 2006
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I'm new here so hello to everyone. I have a question that keeps to be unanswered. Hope somebody can help me with this.

I have made an photo-gallery/slideshow in Frontpage 2002 and when i try to save or preview it I get this message:

"Server-error: Source couldn't send 'photogallery/photo12241/teacup7.jpg'.

What does this mean and is it a Frontpage or internet problem? I've asked several people and their not sure. One person said it had something do with the 'server-permissions'. I'm not sure what they are and where to adjust them though. Do all the photos need to be of the same size? They are all 72 DPI and I thought size didn't really matter anyway since the gallery makes them thumbnails.

Anyway if somebody could give me an clear answer I would feel so relieved and happy. Thanks in advance.
Hello royals welcome ;)

Some one will help you in a while so just hang in there:)
Have you tried other images? It does sound like a permission error, but it says "source" seemingly implying your own PC.

Also, is this a website that is live on the internet, or one you just have on your PC?
Thank you for answering itsme & Ian. Well I use JPEG images only 72 DPI and it's a site meant for internet. I do have a new computer just recently and Frontpage is just installed. But this should have nothing to do with saving my images in Frontpage because I can upload the gallery without problems. Although I upload the gallery with ftp because my provider hasn't redirected it to my normal www adres yet. This is purely an error i get saving or previewing in Frontpage. So is there any problem with my internet connection? or my frontpage version?