Server Enquiry

Sep 30, 2005
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Hi all, ive been thinking of getting a server, i know nothing about them, apart from the understanding that you can store vasts amount of data on them. basically it is to store all my multimedia, cd's, dvd's, photos, movie clips etc....

I am not sure completely how to go about it, but would like to be able to access it from various locations, i.e. different houses. Aswell as being able to see the files on the web, for example on my geocities website, i want to be able to link to a music video so that it could play on the site. Also it would be good, if i could set it upso i can download the stuff from it on to any computer.

Any advice and ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You can get 2 types of severs, generally speaking. One is just a normal PC that you connect to your network (and can access via the internet if you want) that uses your normal internet connection (quite slow for outside use). The other is a rented server with a super fast connection - but quite expensive.

You could build a cheap PC for less than £200 with large harddrives (no monitor) and use it to store all your info etc... however it wouldn't really be suitable for hosting websites on unless you have a really fast connection.
hmm, i was told about building a crap pc, then just wacking in a load of hdd's, if i accessed it away from home, will i be able to copy & paste files down to that computer, or is there a way of downloading them? i was honstly looking at like 600gb-1200gb (i believe this is 1.2tb?)
There is some very handy information there, i feel as though i might try and set up an e-mail sort of server first, as this may be easier than a file one for what i want?
Ok, builiding the base pc my self, what would i be looking at:

Intel P4 3.2 / AMD 64 3500+
Good mobo
1gb / 2gb ram

Then how mayn hard drives could i get in at the maximum?
depending on the motherboard about 8 SATA drives plus up to 4 IDE drives