Serv. Pack Probs!

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I tried to get the update of the Service Pack 1....under
my history of my updates it says that it's not completed -
-- it's "In progress" and I need to restart my computer
to finish it. I've tried this and it doesnt change it.
I accidentally lost my internet connection during the
process - so I think this had an effect on the update.
How can I complete this configuration? Also, I tried to
uninstall it and it's not showing up on the list -- does
it go under any other name? Something is on there with
SP2 titled after it...thats not it, but I didnt d/l SP2.
Ah, I'm confused

Please respond asap
I tried to get the update of the Service Pack 1....under
my history of my updates it says that it's not completed -
-- it's "In progress" and I need to restart my computer
to finish it. I've tried this and it doesnt change it.
I accidentally lost my internet connection during the
process - so I think this had an effect on the update.
How can I complete this configuration? Also, I tried to
uninstall it and it's not showing up on the list -- does
it go under any other name? Something is on there with
SP2 titled after it...thats not it, but I didnt d/l SP2.
Ah, I'm confused

Please respond asap
Have to gone to the Windows Update Welcome screen to recheck and see if
SP1 is detected as installed? If not, you should be able to restart the
process and it will pick up where it left off. If that doesn't work, you
can download the entire SP1 installer from WU and try running that as a
stand-alone executable. The fact that you have updates with SP2 in the
name indicates that SP1 is installed (at least partially).