Seriously overpriced...

Sep 17, 2005
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Ok i know that all the Western Digital Raptors require you to remortgage your house to get a decent amount of storage.

but the new Raptor-X (150gb) is £250+!

I got 2 Sata II 250gb drives for £140!

whats going on with that?
ChrisIMRIE said:
Why have you put this in the Bargain Forum?

When the title is 'Seriously Overpriced'?

Moved to correct category ;)
Its all to do with Style and Performance - I do like those drives, but I'd rather take your option and get 2 x 250GBs for £140 :D
Your paying for the revolutions. Raptors spin at 10,000 RPM

A 40GB Raptor will set you back £80 and well worth it if you ask me.
They are ludicrously fast and worth the money personaly, a hdd is the slowest par in your comp, they increase performance a lot.
The Hitachi Deskstar SataII is a better hard drive, allowing up to the full 300gb transfer speed.

I wanted to get a Raptor, but then I read all of the reviews, and it turns out they are noisy, hot, and not actually that fast.
tomsega said:
The Hitachi Deskstar SataII is a better hard drive, allowing up to the full 300gb transfer speed.

I wanted to get a Raptor, but then I read all of the reviews, and it turns out they are noisy, hot, and not actually that fast.

I have a couple of Raptors (35Gb) in a RAID 0.

They are hot and noisy, I'll agree, but they're also fast. They constantly beat a pair of normal SATA HDD's in a RAID 0 when I ran a series of ATTO test benchmarks.

And they have a five year warranty.

But five hundred quid for 300Gb is pushing my budget just a little too far, as desirable as they may be.

The second generation 75Gb Raptors are actually a lot quieter than their smaller brother, I may well upgrade to a pair of those even though £232.00 is still a high price to pay for just 150Gb.
I know they are a better option than a 10000-15000rpm scsi drive for home computers, i just find it amazing that you can pay £200 extra for 2800rpm...