Seriously hard drive - what the hell are you doing?

Apr 13, 2004
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Not really a support question, but here goes.

So having recently upgraded from a laptop to a desktop I cant help but notice how active the hard drive is. I only notice as it resonates a bit around the casing, its not a problem, but, given that at the moment all I am doing is surfing the net, nothing else is running, I have 8 gig of ram, what the hell does it need to write/read from/to the HD?

Curiosity rather than tech support....
Does a person actually 'upgrade' from laptop to desktop or vice versa? Both have their uses and both have good and bad so perhaps 'change' may be a more applicable description.

Ok, I'm being pedantic :D

All versions of Windows beaver away doing stuff they really don't need to do half the time, whether you want it to or not. Perhaps it's MS's idea that you're getting your money's worth.

It seems the laptop had a quiet hard drive whereas this desktop has a noisy hard drive. May I suggest a different hard drive? The Samsung's are nice and quiet :)