Serious Sam Double D - What It Is...

Jun 4, 2006
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Here's a video that's a great overview of SSDD - the narration is hilarious! I had no idea what SSDD was about until I watched the video, but it's a side scroller version of SS, with all the usual SS creatures, plus a bunch of others, some of them way off the wall, and using stacked guns to slaughter them with. It was dirt cheap on Steam so I went ahead and got it. It's basically just a cheap parody of the real Serious Sam games and is also made by Creoteam. It is fun, in a different kind of way. The video also illustrated a few of it's annoying quirks - The guy in the video complained about the game occasionally loosing mouse focus when run in a window, which he said he did to make the video (apparently he didn't know about Fraps). I wasn't too concerned about that aspect because I knew I'd be running it fullscreen. Well, after having played it I can now tell you that it also looses mouse focus with the game fullscreen when you have dual monitors. My mouse kept going beyond the right side of the screen and emerging on my 2nd monitor, causing the game to pause like it did in the video. Other than that little annoyance it was a blast. I might have to play it on another machine though, one with only one monitor. Oh, and the other annoying thing it did that also happened in the video - it crashed to the desktop. But it was fun! :D
