Serious limitation for me with Firefox, it won't read text files properly. Mozilla?



(Even latest beta, 1.5 won't!) For those of you who don't have many
text files to deal with that you open via FF, you can use
bookmarklets. I didn't know about these before today. I didn't find
help online anywhere on how to "install" in FF, but figured out from
definition of bookmarklets that they're "bookmarks" that don't have a
URL, they have javascript code to perform a function.

So what the hell, I bookmarked just any old page and I copy-pasted the
text below into the URL box. It worked (though someone who knows
better, pls freely free to jump in to give "proper" technique to
"installing" these, pls) :
javascript:(function() { if (document.body.firstChild &&
document.body.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'pre') { if
(!document.body.firstChild.hasAttribute('id')) { var elems =
document.body.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('HEAD'); var style =
document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type',
'text/css'); style.innerHTML = '#preBookmark {white-space: normal;}';
elems[0].appendChild(style); var preNode =
document.createElement('pre'); preNode.setAttribute('id',
'preBookmark'); var preText = (new
var newElem; var aryText = preText.split(/\n/gi); for (var i = 0; i <
aryText.length; i++) { newElem = document.createTextNode(aryText);
preNode.appendChild(newElem); newElem = document.createElement('br');
preNode.appendChild(newElem); } document.body.replaceChild(preNode,
document.body.firstChild); } } })();

Trouble is, you have to click the darn bookmark every single
cotton-picking time you pull up a text file in FF. For anyone else
who does research and saves hundreds of pieces of text using the "send
to notepad" extension, FF is woefully inadequate for this job. I save
snippets in this manner and put them along with graphics and saved
webpages and other files of different types full of research all over
my HDD as well as having tons of stuff to access saved onto CD. After
each new file added to any indexed folder, I re-index using DIR2HTML
and so have a wealth of information easily accessible.

For years before the last 6 months using FF in this way, I did the
same but in IE and using IETextArchiver. Same purpose, same
techniques only IE has no difficulty whatsoever in reading text files
properly with word wrap!

I'm going to have to hang up my hat re FF and so am looking for an
alternative. Mozilla's other browser is all I can think of because it
might support the extensions I've painstakingly collected over last
few months.

Will it read text files with no difficulties, i.e., show all the text
properly with word wrap? Pls advise.

I know many have said that FF is better than the Mozilla suite browser
but for me, this is the 3rd thing FF does seriously wrong and that's
the last straw.


No. I'd like comments about any browser, I just mentioned Mozilla.
They're not a friendly bunch over there, either, a lot of the time.

They used to be. Now you have the stuffed shirt elitists and arrogant


elaich said:
They used to be. Now you have the stuffed shirt elitists and arrogant


Just overworked coders and thin-skinned posters.


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