Chris said:
Recently, when I try to access a secure database-type website, I get the
"blue screen of death" and then the system automatically restarts. When I log
back on to windows, I get the "Windows has recovered from a serious error"
The error signature is:
BCCode : 100000d1 BCP1 : 85400000 BCP2 : 00000002 BCP3 : 00000000
BCP4 : F72F0A98 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 768_1
This only happens when I go to this one website. What is the problem and can
I fix it without reinstalling windows? Thank you in advance for your help.
When I see this error it always ring the Bell for Bad RAM, bad Add-ons on
the browser, a bad/disconnected USB or a bad Application on your system.
Test your RAM with a memtest from here:
download this tool and unzip it and make a floppy or CD/DVD and run it on
You may need to reposition/reset the RAM sticks in their slots.
How many Disk space you have on the system?.
How many RAM you have on the system?.
Can you use Task manager to see which process using the most of the CPU
Go through these cleaning steps:
1... Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .
Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.
Then click on Advanced tab and scroll down to under the Browsing Option:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest) uncheck this box.
= Then try to Disable the Add-Ons on your Browser somehow installed on your
browser, On how to disable the Add-ons follow this:
Click on Programs Tab and then click the Manage Add-Ons Button there Disable
the None/Not Verified Plug-ins/Add-ons ( you need to Renable them one-by-one
later and see which is the culprit .
How to manage Add-Ons:
Scan for malware from here:
How to speed your PC:
Run disk clean up and then run this command:
sfc /scannow
Have a look in the Event Viewer and send us the error messages you will see
there in your next post:
Open a Notepad, customize or minimize to the taskbar as you will need it
later for this step to copy the error message on it.
Open a run command and type in:
eventvwr.msc click [OK] you will get the Event viewer control Panel.
click on each of these:
Look in the right Pane/window for error message with red (X) or Yellow
exclamation mark /!\ , double click each one to get more info about the
On the Event error properties message you will see:
Up Arrow
Down arrow
Two pages
Click on the two pages to copy the error message then bring up the Notepad
you opened earlier and right click on the first line and select Paste from
the list, this will paste the error message on a Notepad.
Please don't duplicate the error message one of each kind will be sufficient.
HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP
Please we need just the error messages with Red (X) and don't repeat the
error, just one of each kind and post them back in your next post.