Serious Error, Strange BCC/BCP codes?



I'm getting a strange error message after my computer (running windows
xp service pack two) shuts itself down randomly and reboots. It is
also running extremely slowly and uses 100% of my CPU without any
programs running.
The error message says:
Your system has recovered from a serious error.
BCC: 1000000ea
BCP1: FF6A9020
BCP2: 81384E60
BCP4: 0000001
Product: 256_1

I can't find any information on these error codes, and I have no idea
what's wrong with it... can someone help?


Bad news... won't let me run a sysrestore. Says that I haven't made
any changes and it won't let me go further back than Jan 2006... any
way to get around this?

David Candy

0x1nnnnnnn series have same meaning as if 0x0nnnnnnn

Driver Development Tools: Windows DDK

The THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER bug check has a value of 0x000000EA. This indicates that a thread in a device driver is endlessly spinning.

The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen.

Parameter Description
1 A pointer to the stuck thread object
2 A pointer to the DEFERRED_WATCHDOG object
3 A pointer to the offending driver name
4 In the kernel debugger: The number of times the "intercepted" bug check 0xEA was hit
On the blue screen: 1

A device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for hardware to become idle.

This usually indicates problem with the hardware itself, or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. In many cases this is the result of a bad video card or a bad display driver.

Resolving the Problem
Use the .thread (Set Register Context) debugger command with Parameter 1. Then use KB (Display Stack Backtrace) to find the location where the thread is stuck.

If the kernel debugger is already connected and running when Windows detects a timeout condition, then DbgBreakPoint will be called instead of KeBugCheckEx. A detailed message will be printed to the debugger. This message will include what would have been the bug check parameters. Since no actual bug check was issued, the .bugcheck debugger command will not be of use. The four parameters can also be retrieved from Watchdog's global variables by using dd watchdog!g_WdBugCheckData L5" on a 32-bit system, or dq watchdog!g_WdBugCheckData L5" on a 64-bit system.

Debugging this error in an interactive manner like this will enable you to identify an offending thread, set breakpoints in it, and then use G (Go) to return to the spinning code to debug it further.

On multiprocessor machines it is possible to hit a timeout if the spinning thread is interrupted by a hardware interrupt and an ISR or DPC routine is running at the time of the bug check. The reason for this is that the timeout's work item can be delivered and handled on the second CPU and the same time. If this occurs, you will have to look deeper at the offending thread's stack to determine the spinning code which caused the timeout to occur. Use the DdS (Display Words and Symbols) command to do this.

Send feedback on this topic. / Built on Thursday, February 13, 2003

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


0x1000000ea comes up as a video card error, yours may need to have the
drivers reinstalled or it is also possible that it is damaged and needs to
be replaced.

What process(es) is/are using 100% of the cpu?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


Mr said:
this is a trojan behavior, you need to run system restore or reinstall
your os.

There is no reason to think this is "trojan behavior". Random shut downs
and reboots are usually caused by failing hardware, with overheating,
bad RAM, or failing power supply being the first suspects. Of course,
the OP's computer *may* have trojans, but we don't have enough
information to make that determination.

However, if you Google "Product: 256_1" you get quite a few links
discussing overheating, video cards, and bad RAM.

Here are general hardware troubleshooting steps:

Testing hardware failures often involves swapping out suspected parts
with known-good parts. If you can't do the testing yourself and/or are
uncomfortable opening your computer, take the machine to a professional
computer repair shop (not your local equivalent of BigStoreUSA).


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