I wrote an application which runs perfect under .NET framework 1.1.
I was very disappointed, that a LOT of things do NOT work on *Framework
This framework is NOT downward compatible.
For one of the problems I could not yet find a solution or not even an
My project loads a managed C++ DLL which uses the *IShellLink* interface
to resolve shortcuts.
The function ResolveShortCut() (see below) is called from the main C#
program in a thread loop to
resolve all links found on the desktop.
This works perfect on .NET framework 1.1
But on Framework 2.0 the behaviour is really strange and always different:
Sometimes the function ResolveShortCut() (see below) works 10 or even
100 times without problems.
Then suddenly it happens that *CoInitialize(0)* fails.
Another time *CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, ...)* fails.
The next time at the point *i_ShLink->GetPath(...)* a crash appears
which cannot even be caught by a
try catch block (neither in managed C++ nor in the calling C# code !!)
_*Types of Crashes*_:
Sometimes the whole application crashes without any error message.
(the application silently disappears from the screen)
Another time I get a window which asks me to send the crash information
to Microsoft
Another time I get an error telling me something about "out of memory".
(which is nonsense)
The problem appears on Windows 2000 and 2003.
I use Visual Studio 2003.
The *STRANGEST* thing is that this problem appears in the following cases:
The ONLY ever installed framework = 1.1 --> everything OK
framework 1.1 + 2.0 installed --> crashes *although* my application
loads the assemblies (mscoree.dll etc..) of framework 1.1 !!
framework 2.0 *UNINSTALLED* and only framework 1.1 installed --> crashes.
It is impossible to completely UNINSTALL framework 2.0 !
I saved the registry HKLM into a *.REG file, installed framework 2.0
then uninstalled it
and compared the registry with the saved file:
The result is shocking: *hundreds of entries in the Registry* and a
dozen of files are NOT removed !!
*_If you ever installed framework 2.0 the computer is ruined.
It is impossible to completely remove framework 2.0.
My application still crashes even after framework 2.0 was uninstalled !!!!!
I have to install a fresh Windows to get it running again !!!!
I tried this on two different computers running Windows 2000 and 2003.
I can 100% reproduce this !
Additionally another function, which *CREATES *shortcuts also crashes
I did not yet test, which other functions using COM are also affected.
Is this a known problem ?
What can I do ?
Thanks in advance for any answer.
Here is the code from my managed C++ DLL.
Please don't tell me that there is any bug in this code !
It runs PERFECTLY on framework 1.1 since years.
// this line may fail
hr = CoInitialize(0) called in the contructor.
hr = CoUninitialize(0) called in the destructor.
bool Utils::ResolveShortCut(String *ps_LNKfile, // IN: the link file
to resolve
String **pps_Path, // OUT: the target file
String **pps_CmdLine) // OUT: the command
line params (if any)
bool b_Ret = false;
IShellLink* i_ShLink;
IPersistFile* i_Persist;
WORD *u16_LNKfile =
// this line may fail
IID_IShellLink, (void**)&i_ShLink);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = i_ShLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&i_Persist);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = i_Persist->Load(u16_LNKfile, STGM_READ);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = i_ShLink->Resolve(0, SLR_NO_UI | SLR_NOSEARCH | SLR_NOTRACK |
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
char s8_Buf[MAX_PATH];
s8_Buf[0] = 0;
// this line may completely crash the whole application! (but
only sometimes)
hr = i_ShLink->GetPath(s8_Buf, MAX_PATH, &k_Find, SLGP_SHORTPATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
b_Ret = true;
*pps_Path = new String(s8_Buf);
s8_Buf[0] = 0;
hr = i_ShLink->GetArguments(s8_Buf, MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*pps_CmdLine = new String(s8_Buf);
return b_Ret;
I wrote an application which runs perfect under .NET framework 1.1.
I was very disappointed, that a LOT of things do NOT work on *Framework
This framework is NOT downward compatible.
For one of the problems I could not yet find a solution or not even an
My project loads a managed C++ DLL which uses the *IShellLink* interface
to resolve shortcuts.
The function ResolveShortCut() (see below) is called from the main C#
program in a thread loop to
resolve all links found on the desktop.
This works perfect on .NET framework 1.1
But on Framework 2.0 the behaviour is really strange and always different:
Sometimes the function ResolveShortCut() (see below) works 10 or even
100 times without problems.
Then suddenly it happens that *CoInitialize(0)* fails.
Another time *CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, ...)* fails.
The next time at the point *i_ShLink->GetPath(...)* a crash appears
which cannot even be caught by a
try catch block (neither in managed C++ nor in the calling C# code !!)
_*Types of Crashes*_:
Sometimes the whole application crashes without any error message.
(the application silently disappears from the screen)
Another time I get a window which asks me to send the crash information
to Microsoft
Another time I get an error telling me something about "out of memory".
(which is nonsense)
The problem appears on Windows 2000 and 2003.
I use Visual Studio 2003.
The *STRANGEST* thing is that this problem appears in the following cases:
The ONLY ever installed framework = 1.1 --> everything OK
framework 1.1 + 2.0 installed --> crashes *although* my application
loads the assemblies (mscoree.dll etc..) of framework 1.1 !!
framework 2.0 *UNINSTALLED* and only framework 1.1 installed --> crashes.
It is impossible to completely UNINSTALL framework 2.0 !
I saved the registry HKLM into a *.REG file, installed framework 2.0
then uninstalled it
and compared the registry with the saved file:
The result is shocking: *hundreds of entries in the Registry* and a
dozen of files are NOT removed !!
*_If you ever installed framework 2.0 the computer is ruined.
It is impossible to completely remove framework 2.0.
My application still crashes even after framework 2.0 was uninstalled !!!!!
I have to install a fresh Windows to get it running again !!!!
I tried this on two different computers running Windows 2000 and 2003.
I can 100% reproduce this !
Additionally another function, which *CREATES *shortcuts also crashes
I did not yet test, which other functions using COM are also affected.
Is this a known problem ?
What can I do ?
Thanks in advance for any answer.
Here is the code from my managed C++ DLL.
Please don't tell me that there is any bug in this code !
It runs PERFECTLY on framework 1.1 since years.
// this line may fail
hr = CoInitialize(0) called in the contructor.
hr = CoUninitialize(0) called in the destructor.
bool Utils::ResolveShortCut(String *ps_LNKfile, // IN: the link file
to resolve
String **pps_Path, // OUT: the target file
String **pps_CmdLine) // OUT: the command
line params (if any)
bool b_Ret = false;
IShellLink* i_ShLink;
IPersistFile* i_Persist;
WORD *u16_LNKfile =
// this line may fail
IID_IShellLink, (void**)&i_ShLink);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = i_ShLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&i_Persist);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = i_Persist->Load(u16_LNKfile, STGM_READ);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = i_ShLink->Resolve(0, SLR_NO_UI | SLR_NOSEARCH | SLR_NOTRACK |
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
char s8_Buf[MAX_PATH];
s8_Buf[0] = 0;
// this line may completely crash the whole application! (but
only sometimes)
hr = i_ShLink->GetPath(s8_Buf, MAX_PATH, &k_Find, SLGP_SHORTPATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
b_Ret = true;
*pps_Path = new String(s8_Buf);
s8_Buf[0] = 0;
hr = i_ShLink->GetArguments(s8_Buf, MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*pps_CmdLine = new String(s8_Buf);
return b_Ret;