Serious bug discovered in VC .NET (2002) compiler. [event_source(native)] and __event methods

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Serious bug discovered in VC .NET (2002) compiler.

Example below should work if I understand the Microsoft documentation

Hopfelly there is some compiler upgrade that fixes this bug?

class CTubeDev {
__event void OnEnableControls(const BOOL abEnable);

class CPowerDlg : public CDialog {
void DoEnableControls(const BOOL abEnable);

Somewhere in CPowerDlg I call the hook function only once:

__hook(&CTubeDev::OnEnableControls,m_pDev, &CPowerDlg::DoEnableControls);

I take care that the __hook is only called once and no __unhook is called
before a __hook.

So when I call OnEnableControls() from a CTubeDev instance, then the
DoEnableControls() is correctly called, processed but when returning back to
the CTubeDev instance I get an access violation.

Reverse engeneering suggests that there is a node->next pointer that is not
initialized to NULL in the events list handler when the class is created.

A very dirty fix so far to make this system work as it should, is to try to
find the hidden generated attribute created by the __event keyword, and
initialize this to NULL in the constructor, like this.



Reverse engineering suggests that the hidden attribute names generated by
__event is of format:

I want to add that I do not use managed code, and I link with the multi
threaded static libraries.
And this too might help:
Compiler directives :

/GA /I "..\..\base" /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /Zp16 /GS /Gy
/Fp".\Debug/TubeDev.pch" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /FR".\Debug/" /W3
/nologo /c /Wp64 /Zi /TP