I find the easiest way to be changing the series formula. Select the series,
and in the formula bar is a formula that looks like this:
=SERIES([name],[x values],[y values],[plot order])
The [name] part can be blank, resulting in Series 1, Series 2 names, or text
enclosed in quotes, or a link to a cell.
=SERIES("The Series",Sheet1!$D$4:$D$10,Sheet1!$E$4:$E$10,1)
If you want to use a dialog approach in Excel 2007:
Chart Tools > Design tab > Select Data
Select the series in the Select Data Source dialog, click the Edit button,
and in the Series Name box, type what you want (no need for quotes, Excel
fills them in when you click OK), or with the cursor in the Series Name box,
click on the cell with the series name text.
- Jon