Seriel port profiles in Blutooth?

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I have a hx2490 and a bluetooth GPS module. The application I'm using use
another serial port profile for another BT device and therefore I can't
connect the PDA at the same time. I guess this is a limitation in the BT
stack but is there a workaroud to this problem? - Is it possible to install
the microsoft stack instead of the original installed stack?


PS: I have tried this question in the pocketpc.developer group but that
didn't seemed to be the right place - sorry for cross posting!
Two apps cannot use a single serial port. The typical workaround is a
multiplexer driver like the GPS intermediate driver that, IIRC, comes built
in to WinMo. If you need multiple apps to share the port, you need a
virtual port driver. There are certainly some 3rd-party ones available and
creating one in C isn't too much work.


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
Thanks. It's actually the other way round - I got one application that needs
two BT serial ports - reading from a GPS while reading from a data device
that sends aquisition data . any solution to that - (Works well with the
microsoft stack)?

Then what's the problem? You should be able to open both as long as they
have different COM port assignments. What's failing?


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
Each BT device will have separate virtual comports assigned when paired.
Simply open each port using the associated port number.

Richard Grier, MVP
Hard & Software
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, Fourth
ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages, includes CD-ROM). July 2004, Revised March
See for details and contact information.
Nop - not a hx2490 - it uses a bluetooth stack from widcomm that only has
one outgoing and one incoming serial port to select.

I'm confused. So what you want is to pair the BT radio to two separate
peripherals at the same time for serial comms? I can't imagine that could
ever work - how woth the BT stack know which peripheral to read from?


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
Can you actually use two BT ports simultaneously (for SPP) on your hardware.
Dunno, but I think there are implementation issues.


Richard Grier, MVP
Hard & Software
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, Fourth
ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages, includes CD-ROM). July 2004, Revised March
See for details and contact information.

as I understand it it's a limitation of the Widcom/Broadcom stack.
The MS Stack has its limitations regarding SPP as well, he doesn't
support cases where a device offers two seperate SPP services for
different purposes! (ok, he supports it but has disabled the UI
for it) And he may give back NIL pointers on some device discovery
functions. Grr! The samples didn't mention this.


Yes, it is possible - The BT in the PDA serves as a master and it is
possible to connect up to 7 slave devices. It is actually a software issue
because the serial port is only just a virtual port. I use it in an
application where the Application connects to a GPS BT module while
connected to a data device - also via BT serial port profile (virtual serial
port) but only when using the microsoft stack. It's a bit like having
connected a BT mouse and a BT keyboard at the same time (both HDI devices).
My problem is that PDAs that uses the Widcom BT stack isn't able to work
with more than one SPP at a time?

Any idea?
