Using SerialPort
ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1
Handling DataReceived event as:
int noOfBytesInBuffer = myPort.BytesToRead;
byte[] myBuffer = new byte[noOfBytesInBuffer];
myPort.Read(myBuffer, 0, noOfBytesInBuffer)
noOfBytesInBuffer is always set to 8 in my case (the transmissions on the
line are chunks of 8 bytes).
Why this behaviour ?
It seems like the OS (XP SP2) waits (approx. 16 ms) to see if more bytes are
coming (FIFO buffer is disabled).
I had a similar problem a couple of years ago, but by using W2k I did not
have the problem, now I do not have any W2k available anymore.
Some registry setting ?
ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1
Handling DataReceived event as:
int noOfBytesInBuffer = myPort.BytesToRead;
byte[] myBuffer = new byte[noOfBytesInBuffer];
myPort.Read(myBuffer, 0, noOfBytesInBuffer)
noOfBytesInBuffer is always set to 8 in my case (the transmissions on the
line are chunks of 8 bytes).
Why this behaviour ?
It seems like the OS (XP SP2) waits (approx. 16 ms) to see if more bytes are
coming (FIFO buffer is disabled).
I had a similar problem a couple of years ago, but by using W2k I did not
have the problem, now I do not have any W2k available anymore.
Some registry setting ?