I added a serial-USB converter to my laptop, it appear as USB serial
port COM4, and I wrote an application to read 78k data from this port.
In my VC++ express code, I defined ReadBufferSize = 78k, and
ReceivedBytesThreashold = 78k so that I can get the whole data with
one ReadExisting() method when DataReceived event fires.
However, everytime the readbuffer only received 4096 bytes, but when I
test the same code with real serial port COM1, it received full 78k
data. There is no buffer configuration in driver of USB converter, and
it's impossible the converter has 4k limitation, this is confirmed
when I use hypertermial to capture the data, I got full 78k data too.
There must be something I don't know in .net or serialport class. Can
anyone tell me where I am wrong?
Thanks a lot!
I added a serial-USB converter to my laptop, it appear as USB serial
port COM4, and I wrote an application to read 78k data from this port.
In my VC++ express code, I defined ReadBufferSize = 78k, and
ReceivedBytesThreashold = 78k so that I can get the whole data with
one ReadExisting() method when DataReceived event fires.
However, everytime the readbuffer only received 4096 bytes, but when I
test the same code with real serial port COM1, it received full 78k
data. There is no buffer configuration in driver of USB converter, and
it's impossible the converter has 4k limitation, this is confirmed
when I use hypertermial to capture the data, I got full 78k data too.
There must be something I don't know in .net or serialport class. Can
anyone tell me where I am wrong?
Thanks a lot!