Serialize function and Make Table Query




I utilise Stephen Lebans / Peter Schoeders serialize function to number
query rows, however, I'm trying to use it on a make table query, and it gives
error 3219 and won't number the rows.

Not a real pain, as I've created the query with the serialize function in,
and then based another make table query on it, which works fine.

Just wondered if there was another (more efficient) way....



Just to follow on from this post, I did some testing on the double query
approach on a table with just over 16,000 records, and the 'made' table took
65 seconds to make.

So I created a simple counter function and passed it a unique number from
the queries rowsource, which starts a simple counter varCount = varCount +1
etc & then returns that value to the query and it created the same table in
under 5 seconds. Just means I have to reset the counter to 0 or "" before
opening the make table query.

Are there any pitfalls to this method or benefits from the serialize method
I'm overlooking?

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