Marc Falesse
My application needs to serialize a class, which was generated with
xsd.exe from a XSD. It was working .NET 1.1 and it is working with .NET
2.0 very well.
Now I need my assembly to be a plugin, and to be called by reflexion,
but I get this Exception:
"There was an error generating the XML document."
"Unable to cast object of type 'NMI.STARTi.EDI.Ingram.OrderRequest' to
type 'NMI.STARTi.EDI.Ingram.OrderRequest'."
The method I'm calling is static (I tried non-static as well) and the
class being serialized is in the same assembly.
There might be a problem with the Context, so I've tried different ways
of invoking reflexion.
Any ideas ?
// Sérialize
public partial class OrderRequest
public string ToXML()
XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OrderRequest));
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
TextWriter w = new StringWriter(str);
s.Serialize(w, this);
return str.ToString();
// Using Reflexion
public static T AppelStatic<T>(
string assemblee,
string classe,
string methode,
params object[] param)
if (!assemblee.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll"))
assemblee += ".dll";
string tmp;
if (File.Exists(tmp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
"bin\\" + assemblee))
assemblee = tmp;
else if (File.Exists(tmp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
assemblee = tmp;
throw new FileNotFoundException();
Type t = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblee).GetType(classe, true, true);
MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod(
BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase |
object r = m.Invoke(null, param);
return (T)r;
PS: I am using Visual Studio 2005 (final release)
Many Thanks,
Marc Falesse.
NetMakers Ingénierie.
My application needs to serialize a class, which was generated with
xsd.exe from a XSD. It was working .NET 1.1 and it is working with .NET
2.0 very well.
Now I need my assembly to be a plugin, and to be called by reflexion,
but I get this Exception:
"There was an error generating the XML document."
"Unable to cast object of type 'NMI.STARTi.EDI.Ingram.OrderRequest' to
type 'NMI.STARTi.EDI.Ingram.OrderRequest'."
The method I'm calling is static (I tried non-static as well) and the
class being serialized is in the same assembly.
There might be a problem with the Context, so I've tried different ways
of invoking reflexion.
Any ideas ?

// Sérialize
public partial class OrderRequest
public string ToXML()
XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OrderRequest));
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
TextWriter w = new StringWriter(str);
s.Serialize(w, this);
return str.ToString();
// Using Reflexion
public static T AppelStatic<T>(
string assemblee,
string classe,
string methode,
params object[] param)
if (!assemblee.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll"))
assemblee += ".dll";
string tmp;
if (File.Exists(tmp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
"bin\\" + assemblee))
assemblee = tmp;
else if (File.Exists(tmp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
assemblee = tmp;
throw new FileNotFoundException();
Type t = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblee).GetType(classe, true, true);
MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod(
BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase |
object r = m.Invoke(null, param);
return (T)r;
PS: I am using Visual Studio 2005 (final release)
Many Thanks,
Marc Falesse.
NetMakers Ingénierie.