Serial Port Assignment

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark
  • Start date Start date



At work I use some hardware that requires a 2nd serial
port so I have been using a USB Hub. The software that
goes with said hardware requires the serial port to be
named serial com 2 (its an old DOS based program) To
upgrade the hardware / software would be very expensive.

In Windows 2000 it was possible to change the port name
but the function seems to be disabled in XP, any way
around this?

a have two applications that require NMEA (serial) input from two separate
COM ports (2&4). At the moment if I start up the second application it
reports COM ports 2 & 4 already in use. Is it possible to configure that they
share this data? If not can I configure that data is echoed/looped internally
to other existing but not neccesarily physical COM ports?