Serial Number Form



I'm trying to create a form that will document serial numbers that are used.
What I want is a form where I can fill in static information like date and
workorder# along with the beginning and end of a serial# series and have it
create records for each serial number that contains all the static


soudns pretty cut and dry

you'll be making an autonumber field?

tell us more about what you're trying to do plz

John Vinson

I'm trying to create a form that will document serial numbers that are used.
What I want is a form where I can fill in static information like date and
workorder# along with the beginning and end of a serial# series and have it
create records for each serial number that contains all the static

Well... the first thing to realise is that a Form is not the right
tool for this. A Form is just a window, a tool which lets you edit and
manage data which is stored in Tables. You will indeed need a form,
but the *first* thins is to come up with a table structure as the
foundation for your database.

You don't say exactly what "workorders" and "serial numbers" have to
do with one another, but it sounds like you need a table for each.
Given that, you should NOT (emphatically not!!) repeat the static data
for each serial number; that's neither necessary nor beneficial.
Assuming that one Workorder can be related to multiple SerialNumbers,
you might have a Workorder table (with one record per workorder, and a
WorkorderNumber as its Primary Key), related to a table with just two
fields - SerialNumber and WorkorderNumber. A Query joining these two
tables would let you display the static data together with the serial

What information (other than the number itself) needs to be recorded
for each serial number? Or do you just need the information that
numbers 10225 through 10324 were used on Workorder 836?

John W. Vinson[MVP]


I'm trying to create a database to document serial numbers. The information
that will need to be in each record is Part#, Date, Clock#, Workorder#, and
Serial#. Serial numbers are generally consecutive within workorders, but are
generated by labeling software we have wich can have problems of its own.
Currently things are run in excel with each row being a documentation of what
was run that day. There can be multiple records for any one workorder, but
the serial#s are documented in one cell as a range: 00265255-00265359. What
I need is a way of searching all the serial numbers to get the Clock#,
Workorder#, Part#, and Date. I also need to be able to search partials.
Serial numbers sometimes get partially destroyed and if someone comes to me
with 6527 as a partial I want the program to tell me that it appears in at
least the above range.

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