Serial Coms

  • Thread starter Thread starter carmen
  • Start date Start date


I've just build a small application (Windows Applicañtion) that work with
John Hind's CommBase.dll.
This application opens Com1 port and sends a byte.
I spend some days working on it because I'm new with VS .Net and new with C#
Now I wanted to build the same application for SmallDevices working with
Windows CE .NET and I get the error "System.MissingMethodException" while
trying to open the port into the Windows CE Emulator.

Could you help me?
Hi Carmen,

IT should be that CommBase.dll use P/Invoke in other words it calls the
windows API , in the PPC platform the API is different, they are even in
different dlls, therefore is HIGHLY unusual ( I would say impossible ) that
a dll targeted to Win32 works on PPC.

Take a look at and in general if you
have problem using the CF there is a group devoted to it :

Hope this help,