Serach for multiple words in one cell

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert L.
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Robert L.


In cell b4, b5 and b6I have 3 makes. In Kolum b12 up to B25 I have text in
which I want to check if one of these makes are mentioned.

Presently I have formula: =IF(COUNTIF(B12,B4),"Make X","No")

but that only allows to search for one make. Changing B4 into B4:B6 does not
work. How can I do this?


I believe this will work for you.

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B12,B$4:B$6,0)),"Make "&B12,"No")
You can then copy downwards as far as needed.
You could do something like this:

=IF(COUNTIF(B12:B24,B4),B4&", ","")&IF(COUNTIF(B12:B24,B5),B5&", ","")

Hope this helps.

Hi Luke

Thanks I come close but with the formula I do not get the expected outcome.
When I change it to

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B12,B$4:B$6)),"Make "&B12,"No") -- so without the 0
after B$4:B$6 I do get an outcome, but then only the full text in which is
searced and I only want the make returned.

What do i do wrong?