Need tp create a work log form where the choice selected in the first combo
box will determine the choices available in the second combo box. For
example, if the user selects "Put on Shoes" in the first combo box, the
choices in the second box are put on socks, tie shoelaces. Or if the first
box is Brush Teeth, the second box choices are Get toothpaste, Wet toothbursh.
Not sure about how to set tables up for that, as well as how to link the
combo boxes.
box will determine the choices available in the second combo box. For
example, if the user selects "Put on Shoes" in the first combo box, the
choices in the second box are put on socks, tie shoelaces. Or if the first
box is Brush Teeth, the second box choices are Get toothpaste, Wet toothbursh.
Not sure about how to set tables up for that, as well as how to link the
combo boxes.