Ok, so I have an excel inventory sheet with seperate rows for seperat
products in my inventory and different columns with information lik
retail price, MSRP price, title.....ect, my problem is they are al
mixed up and to be able to more easily figure out what I need to sell
need to find a way to either re-order my list by the difference of th
Retail price column and the MSRP Price column, or show all product
above a certain difference in figures and hide all th
rest.....whichever is easiest if you can help me that'd be great Im no
sure if i explained this so its easily understandable but if you hav
any questions please let me know because I need to figure something ou
for this as soon as possible
Thanks Alot!
products in my inventory and different columns with information lik
retail price, MSRP price, title.....ect, my problem is they are al
mixed up and to be able to more easily figure out what I need to sell
need to find a way to either re-order my list by the difference of th
Retail price column and the MSRP Price column, or show all product
above a certain difference in figures and hide all th
rest.....whichever is easiest if you can help me that'd be great Im no
sure if i explained this so its easily understandable but if you hav
any questions please let me know because I need to figure something ou
for this as soon as possible
Thanks Alot!