Simon Clark
Hi, i need some help with seperating data from one cell to many. I
have searched this data very well and im sure someone will say "Use
Text to Columns", well it doesnt work.
Ok, i have the following as an example...
Country | DatesTimes | Names | Log |
Nordix | 30.04.2004 |Simon | Order Received|
| 05.05.2004 14:33 |Cath | Submitted |
| 05.05.2004 15:16 |Simon | Created |
Nordix |and then more records a like.......
What i am after is a VBA function that will seperate the "DatesTimes"
and the other multiple data cells to be seperated as indivual cells,
but keeping them intact with the actual record. So it looks like
Country | DatesTimes | Names | Log |
Nordix | 30.04.2004 |Simon | Order Received|
|-------------------- ------- ---------------
| 05.05.2004 14:33 |Cath | Submitted |
|-------------------- ------- ---------------
| 05.05.2004 15:16 |Simon | Created |
Nordix |etc......
Can this be acheived at all?
Cheers guys...
have searched this data very well and im sure someone will say "Use
Text to Columns", well it doesnt work.
Ok, i have the following as an example...
Country | DatesTimes | Names | Log |
Nordix | 30.04.2004 |Simon | Order Received|
| 05.05.2004 14:33 |Cath | Submitted |
| 05.05.2004 15:16 |Simon | Created |
Nordix |and then more records a like.......
What i am after is a VBA function that will seperate the "DatesTimes"
and the other multiple data cells to be seperated as indivual cells,
but keeping them intact with the actual record. So it looks like
Country | DatesTimes | Names | Log |
Nordix | 30.04.2004 |Simon | Order Received|
|-------------------- ------- ---------------
| 05.05.2004 14:33 |Cath | Submitted |
|-------------------- ------- ---------------
| 05.05.2004 15:16 |Simon | Created |
Nordix |etc......
Can this be acheived at all?
Cheers guys...