Good luck, because I don't think you are going to find the
answer on either of our sites. Unless everything has the
same number of words or is actually lined up by columns
if viewed in a fixed character font.
Certainly you would have to provide more data to see
what you really have, but I expect that you have street
names and town names that could be single or multiple
Possibly if you examined the data more carefully there might
be TAB characters, Char(09), between fields, possibly
double spaces (Char(09). Certainly nothing like that came
through in the posting. Everything that looked like a space
was a space.
It look like you have a "zip code" equivalent for column 3
as a number, but how would you split between column 1
and column 2.
The idea is to start with good data, not have to process garbage.
If the data came from HTML you can paste it into Excel 97 and up.
If the data came from a mainframe, you can probably get them
to provide it in a fixed format or as a comma separated values.
If you have a words comparable to "Road", "Street", "Avenue"
at the end that can be used as separators that would help as
you would know your own data. You could replace them with the
likes of "Road, ", "Street, ", "Avenue, "