Please help me with the formula to separate text. In the
formula below, it works if the city is ONE WORD. However,
when the city has two words, i.e., El Paso, the 'LEFT' and
the 'MID' formulas does not work.
I can't use the Data > Text to Columns feature because if
I check space, it will separate the name of the city (if
two names). If I do not check the space, the State and the
Zip Code will be in one cell.
Please HELP!
Dallas, TX 11111
City: =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-2)
State: =MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,2)
Zip Code: =RIGHT(A1,5)
formula below, it works if the city is ONE WORD. However,
when the city has two words, i.e., El Paso, the 'LEFT' and
the 'MID' formulas does not work.
I can't use the Data > Text to Columns feature because if
I check space, it will separate the name of the city (if
two names). If I do not check the space, the State and the
Zip Code will be in one cell.
Please HELP!
Dallas, TX 11111
City: =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-2)
State: =MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,2)
Zip Code: =RIGHT(A1,5)