Separate first and second name in one cell into separate cells.



My list has the first and last names in the same cell. How can I separate
these into two separate cells so I can sort by last name. Or is there a way
to sort by the last name when the name in the cell is "firstname lastname"?


Hi Dwight

if you want to keep a copy of the combined names, copy this column to a new
column before doing the following:

insert a blank column to the right of the column with the combined names
select the column of combined names
choose data / text to columns
ensure delimited is checked - NEXT
untick tab, tick space


Dwight in Georgia said:
My list has the first and last names in the same cell. How can I separate
these into two separate cells so I can sort by last name. Or is there a way
to sort by the last name when the name in the cell is "firstname lastname"?

Ken Wright

Data / text to columns / Delimited / Tick 'space' as delimiter, and this
will put the data into 2 separate columns.

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)

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