Sent packets more than received! why?


Massalha Shady

Is it normally that sent packets is higher than received?
even if i dont use network, the packet sent status is
always raising.

1) i dont have viruses
2) i dont have GATOR or background applications running
3) i do use internet when i have this
4) i use Router
5) i use Hub
6) i use Intel 82557 on board (sgi) ethernet adapter
7) i have problems with mtu and R-win
8) my internet connection is not stable!
9) I have win 2k with all the updates.

Marc Reynolds [MSFT]

I agree with Tony, this is completely normal. There is no way you can
simply compare the number of sent packets to hte number of received packets
and determine if there is a problem. Are you having any problems that
caused you to look at these statistics?

Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

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