Perfect answer. It works for me...thanks
Akfas wrote:
Hi Bruno,To have your desired view perform the following steps.
Hi Bruno
To have your desired view perform the following steps
1) Click on the sent items folde
2) Expand the sent items (middle) column or pan
3) In that column right clik the title bar and select "Feild Chooser
4) From the feild chooser drag the "To" feild next to the "From" in the
title bar of the sent items column or pane
5) After adding the "To" feild right cick on the from feild and select
"Remove this column
6) now you will see the recievers name instead of the senders name

you ca resize the middle pan
Hope this solves your issue
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Sent Items (names are from sender, not recievers)
I'm having problems with my Sent Items folders. ( Outlook 2007 and WM6
messaging for all accounts
My Sent Items folders for all accounts window live( Outlook Connector),
Google(POP3) and Yahoo (IMAP) are showing the sender's name (me) and not the
reciever's name
So it's difficult to find who I had sent messages before
How can I set set everything up to show the recievers in the folder
Note: Before I was using Outlook Express and WM5 without any problems
Thanks a lot for your help.
Try View | Current View | Sent To to switch views.
Try View | Current View | Sent To to switch views
Sue Mosher, Outlook MV
Author of Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstar
for Administrators, Power Users, and Developer
Hi, i have the same problem.
Hi, i have the same problem. I tried what Sue Mosher suggested, but n
change at all. Still shows the senders (me) name..
Escobar, you can modify the view to show different fields with View | Current
Escobar, you can modify the view to show different fields with View | Current
View | Customize Current View | FIelds.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MV
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrator
Hi Bruno,To have your desired view perform the following steps.
Hi Bruno
To have your desired view perform the following steps
1) Click on the sent items folde
2) Expand the sent items (middle) column or pan
3) In that column right clik the title bar and select "Feild Chooser
4) From the feild chooser drag the "To" feild next to the "From" in the
title bar of the sent items column or pane
5) After adding the "To" feild right cick on the from feild and select
"Remove this column
6) now you will see the recievers name instead of the senders name

you ca resize the middle pan
Hope this solves your issue
Re: Sent Items (names are from sender, not recievers)
Or simply select the "Sent To" view which is designed for this
Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 200
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and mor
Real World Questions, Real World Answer
Hi Roady,I tried the "Sent To" view, but correct me if i am wrong that doesnt
Hi Roady
I tried the "Sent To" view, but correct me if i am wrong that doesnt work as
the way we want. it groups evrything and shows the recievers address or name
on top of the group.
it doesnt show the recievers name on the mail view.
That's because you've got your current View-> Arrange By set to "To".
That's because you've got your current View-> Arrange By set to "To". Set it
to "Date".
If you don't like grouping at all, you can also disable it there.
By default it arranges by date. If that's not the case for you, you might
want to reset the view back to its default values.
Thanks Roady...
Thanks Roady...
so his is another method to solve the issue other than the method i
submitted earlier on
Microsoft Rockzz....
Hi - I am having this same trouble, but with my Smartphone.
Hi - I am having this same trouble, but with my Smartphone. Although the
view settings are perfect on my desktop, my Exchange 2003 synced PDA displays
my sent mail folder with the sender instead of the recipient. Since there
are no view settings available in mobile Outlook, I'm at a loss...anyone able
to help me?
Thanks in advance!
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