Sennheiser HD-600: A source of revelation!


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I have posted my review of the Sennheiser HD-600 headphones along with the Headroom Total Bithead USB/Battery powered headphone amplifier for those who care to read it. :)

Just bought a pair of HD-600s a couple of months back and they are fantastic. I was thinking of getting a pair of closed-back cans for recording but saw them and thought, go on then. I'd definitely recommend them. I've heard that the HD-650s are pretty good too but I don't want to test them out and spoil myself!

Glad you liked them. Not getting the 650 is not something you should worry about. The 650's are in most purists opinion slightly bass heavy, have a tighter tolerance which only can be appreciated on very high end equipment.Of cource in the end it all boils down to personal preference.

I wish you many happy hours of listening to the Sennheisers!:)
I'm glad you like the 600's. I have a pair of 595's and they're superb, especially when using ASIO via my soundcard. From the card it goes via proper RCA phono outputs to my Rotel RA-01 amp.
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Man £300 headphones. I can't imagine, even after reading your review, what that must sound like.