Senheiser HD595 or 350?

Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Looking to get a really nice pair of headphones to pair with a new Asus DX when i get it after Christmas, for now i get to choose a headset for Christmas a little present.

Between these two i've narrowed down, so would like some input to which one to get really.

Mainly gaming, but music also since i will be working in a music studio in July so will need something that copes well with music production. A fair amount of movies too, so really a mix but more so games.

I would prefer a mic for games that require it and ventrilo etc.

I'm leaning to the 350's for pure gaming performance rating which i can't fault so far.


I think V_R sent his Sennheiser 350 headset back, he's got a thread about it somewhere.

Oh did you get your golden AK?
Oh, the only bad stuff i can find about it is that the bass isn't THAT great, but decent enough, which i don't mind too much as i can just boost this etc.

Unfortunately i gave in to playing the new WoW again for a bit, so not playing CoD4 as much lol
Fair enough, i found his thread about the 350 but it doesn't say he sent em back, i'm sure i read that after a couple hours he didn't like em though and did send em packing.

I'm still making the transition from playing FPS on me PS3 to PC so the only headset i have is a crappy bluetooth one i got for a fiver, it worked pretty well when i was in a clan but don't use it so much now.
Yeah i know it ain't got a mic, but a clip on will do me fine for what i want to do :)

Really excited about new sound!
pardon me im a llittle late to the game!

i have a set of Sennheiser HD280s and i quite satisfied on the sound quality.