Sendto folder leads to deadend

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


I wanted to add my laptop shared folder to the sendto options on my PC -
however when I drag/drop the folder from network neighborhood into my sendto
folder and then try to use it - the link leads to a dead end or drops down
to sub-folders which lead to deadends and I can't send the file. I thought
this was suppose to work? I see on the microsoft knowledgebase how to create
a sendto link such as this and it doesn't say a thing about deadends. HELP!
Also, would I be better off using some other feature like brief case to do
this? I'm on XP pro but see no brief case so not sure if there is one. The
sendto would be nice if it worked though.
Here's what I did that WORKS;
C: Drive, Tools, Folder options, View, Show Hidden Files and Folders, OK,
Documents & Settings, "Your Name" Folder, Rt click on "Send To", Create
shortcut, rename shortcut to something like "Sendto Send to" (Without
quotes), drag that folder into original sendto, and close out. Then go to
what ever item you want to add to send to items, but DRAG IT INTO THE NEW
"Sendto Send will add it to the list...nothing to it...whew....

I forgot to say that you just Rt click on whatever item you want to add to
list, and go to send to in the dropdown, and in that dropdown, you don't
drag it, you just Left click once on the new "Sendto Send to, and it adds
it, and will be in the send to drop down next time you access it. I also
wanted to add that you may *want* to change back your folder options the way
they were. Have fun.

It's "Suppose" to put it in the Send To LIST...Try again (Maybe I didn't
make it clear enough, but I doubt that...I reread it)...I saw the "Trick" on
TechTV "Call For Help" about 8 months ago or so. I have done it to both my
computers, and 4 others for other people...Hummm, don't know what to

Hey, BTW, look at the other post(Not the one where I say "It's Suppose to
send it to the Send to list...the next one)I MIS SPOKE, I made a mistake in
the FIRST answer, and I made the correction in my second them
ALL...After following the directions for creating the "Sendto Send to", You
DON'T DRAG it, you right click on the item you want to put on the list!!!
THEN, you go to "SEND TO" on the NORMAL "Send To" drop down, and on it's
dropdown, you go to "SENDTO SEND TO", and left click once on that(Just like
you would have done before this "Change") You're going to "Send it" to the
"Sendto Send To"... Following these directions, it WILL add it to the list
of "Send To" items...Sorry, it's really my fault...I got click happy to send
the original directions, and then realized I said to "Drag it"...No No
No...Bad Willie...Try it will work...