What's the matter: your help broken?
DoCmd SendObject [objecttype] [, objectname] [, outputformat] [, to] [, cc]
[, bcc] [, subject] [, messagetext] [, editmessage]
objectype = one of A_TABLE, A_QUERY, A_FORM, A_REPORT or A_MODULE
objectname = a string expression that is a valid name of an object of the
type selected above
outputformat = one of A_FORMATXLS, A_FORMATRTF or A_FORMATTXT
to = a string expression that lists the recipients to go on the To line
(separated by semicolons)
cc = a string expression that lists the recipients to go on the Cc line
(separated by semicolons)
bcc = a string expression that lists the recipients to go on the Bcc line
(separated by semicolons)
subject = a string expression containing the text you want to put on the
Subject line
messagetext = a string expression containing the text you want to include in
the body of the mail message
editmessage = True to open the electronic mail application immediately with
the message loaded so that the message can be editted
There's a bit more complexity, in terms of what happens when certain
parameters are omitted, but I'm too lazy to type it all out. <g>